Olympic weightlifting day 4

Today was a bit ugh, couldn’t get into the flow of it and was hyper aware of what I wasn’t getting right.

I think being a little bit tired and achy didn’t help. But it’s early in my year of this adventure so I’m not stressed.

I was particularly aware again of landing on my toes and a couple of times not getting the bar close enough.

I must admit to being a little relieved when I finished more in my comfort zone with dumbbell rows, bicep curls and sit ups!

New year revolution

Yes I said revolution because resolutions always seem to be about giving up something. I revolt against that and am commenting to learning something.

In particular it’s olympic lifting. Which will be the main focus of my training for the next year. I will still use dumbbells for joint stability as I’m a bendy stretchy person but more as an accessory and a lil wod here and there to stop my heart exploding.

I have an amazing coach who I will see once a month and he can tell me where I’m going wrong and then I follow the program in between.

Today was day 3 of my year of olympic lifting, at this stage we are keeping it pretty light while I think about technique.

Today I particularly was aware in snatch balance of my tendency to land more on toes than heels which I’m working on. Snatch pull I find particularly useful as I really get the feeling of it being close to my belly.

I closed up the session with some split squats and heavy step ups then a short street parking work out. All in all body was thoroughly tickled

Interestingly my heart rate had a decent boomf from the olympic lifting